“Something to think about” for sure.

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Hi, Cecil. I think that your utopia needs to address the perceived needs to defend borders and to defend religious orthodoxies. I'd say most wars start with one of those two concepts, or both.

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Well, of course that was a chatgpt proposal and it says it is not utopian in nature. When I think about it it, it seems it would depend on individuals making the shift in thinking. That shift in thinking would probably need to be pushed along through creative expression. Each shift would be one little step after another in an ongoing continuum until accepted as a new default way to think. Can it be done? I have my doubts. In relation to borders, we all have our own sense of personal space, that is then projected outward to the state. Religions have a key problem of exclusive superiority as a condition. This is an extension of the individual's presumed 'center of the universe' perspective grown out to the group level. So it kind of comes down to the individual breaking through these ingrained presumptions. But to what? What is a preferred view of the self and the world? Maybe it is different for each person and different as each person evolves in their thinking. It is an interesting problem.

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