Through my instagram connections via @collagenottinghill, my handle, I see great collage and when it comes to my birthday or some other special occasion I have started buying some collages. Seeing them in the flesh is amazing!

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Yes to running out of space. Our walls, too, are full up. Even tiny space where we have tiny artworks. And surfaces with ceramics and artists books. Our work, our adult children’s work, all artists, and son-in-law also an artist! And friends work, and yes to trades. It’s crazy.

Good suggestions in your piece where beginners can start.

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I wish I had more wall space.......just space really......to collect more art. Having been in the art business long ago, I had collected back then. And then and since, have done trades with many artists.....always waiting for them to initiate the trade as I was too self conscious to assume they'd want my work. I also would go to these write-in auction functions that raised money for whatever and got some great art that way. I've also found some really great original art at thrift stores. Even though I lack space, I still manage to be able to rearrange things to fit yet another lovely piece of art somewhere. My house is like a museum with all sorts of great stuff in it. Thanks for another great essay. The joy of collecting art and objects is such a fun and satisfying thing to do.

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I have been suggesting to my dealers that they encourage their clients to have an archive room in their houses exactly because they all run out of wall space. I suggest that they could then change out the art in their house every season like people do with holidays then the art stays visually fresh and you could change palettes with the seasons and light. That is the ultimate in luxury - 4 seasons of art in the archives room.

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Great idea. The only spare room in my house is my gallery space where I house 125 works of my assemblages; it also is a guest room.

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