Thanks for introducing us to these marvelous works of art. I adore each one and love his style. He sounds authentically humble and I love that he has this strong need to create and does it so beautifully. They're so fresh and unpretentious. A nice break from "artists" feeling the need to shock for shock's sake, screaming look-at-me, trying too hard, and just obviously pretentious "art".
Thanks for introducing us to these marvelous works of art. I adore each one and love his style. He sounds authentically humble and I love that he has this strong need to create and does it so beautifully. They're so fresh and unpretentious. A nice break from "artists" feeling the need to shock for shock's sake, screaming look-at-me, trying too hard, and just obviously pretentious "art".
Yes I really love what he has going on.