Agree. I regularly mention that we are all artists and we all have mental health.


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Hi Cecil, Thanks for writing your thoughts. I decided at 9 years old that I wanted to be an artist - specifically a sculptor. I didn't even know the word, but I showed a picture of a sculpture of an in-process bust of a Southern gentleman in an Old Grand Dad whisky ad to my mother and told her this is what I wanted to do when I grew up. My path of course was not direct but eventually I decided to get a Master's Degree and a teaching certificate so I could teach art to make a living and continue to make, exhibit and sell my art. That was well over 50 years ago and I'm still an artist, making, exhibiting and selling my art. I'm not a world-famous artist like Picasso, Matisse or Motherwell but I am happy with who I am and art that I am making. Bob

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Hi Bob thanks for commenting! First let me mention that Bob's work with miniature churches are really spectacular, you can see them on his website robertocardinale.com Yes, I am the same way Bob: "I'm not a world-famous artist like Picasso, Matisse or Motherwell but I am happy with who I am and art that I am making. " It is a lifetime passion and the main thing that gets me out of bed in the morning. About your 9 year old experience, luckily it was the part of the ad that was about being a sculptor and not about being an Old Grand Dad whisky drinker when you grow up! haha. Please comment often.

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Beautiful sentiments! The last couple paragraphs could apply more generally to being a human and being your authentic self. Thanks for sharing!

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Thanks for writing Brittany! Comments are much appreciated. Yes being your authentic self is the main art in life. Anybody doing anything can and should be working on that.

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