“I went to the store to buy a 1 inch hole but could only find a 1 inch drill bit.”

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Of course knowing is not the same as doing or mastering.

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Thanks for your articles. So thoughtful and thought provoking. I’ve read all but haven’t commented. Fires in SoCal where my family lives. Snow event here which is a big deal in Richmond VA followed by no water for three days, a filtration plant problem, whew.

Ice still on ground in place but mostly snow gone. Very cold. But we have water. And no fire. So grateful. AND a surprise exhibition for Chuck. An artist dropped out of a gallery 2 person show and the owner asked Chuck if she could take some of his work since she already had a few pieces. And this morning she took lots of work. Show opens the 24th. Yay. Something positive. Again, thanks for your writings.

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