Here is a musical concept as a painting. I call it ‘Reversing Zigzag Ostinato’. In music, an ostinato is a motif or phrase that persistently repeats in the same musical voice, frequently in the same pitch.
My idea was to use only the reversing zigzag motif over and over across the canvas and then see what I could make out of it. While I like this painting, I think on a future variation of this idea I will make the zigzags bigger and not cover the entire canvas with them and leave more open spaces so it can sing a little more. As is, it turned into a kind of hum or texture.
That's a cool painting. And thanks for introducing me to the word "Ostinato".... I love the sound of it.
Wow. This is a really visually engaging piece that invites exploration... For me it almost evokes the feeling of an optical illusion, where the viewer can imagine entering or climbing into the canvas from various angles, the 'hum' creating a sense of dynamic depth and movement within your repeating zigzag pattern.⚡️