No matter where you live or how you live or what kind of art you practice or how much money you have or don’t have, or what disasters are happening around you or within you, you can establish a space and a time to work every day.
Even if you are too exhausted, too distraught, too depressed to work, go to your established space at your established time and just sit there, rest and contemplate if nothing else and scribble something on a piece of paper, move things around, sharpen your pencils, write a note to yourself.
Usually one thing leads to another and soon you are engaged and working. You don’t have to make any particular kind of art. It doesn’t have to be any particular quality. You can start with just some scribbles. Eventually you will have the desire to make improvements, refinements and adjustments. Your imagination will kick in.
Do that everyday. Show up, leave a record. Capture the day.
Precisely! Just leave paper and drawing implement around in mist used rooms. Blind self portraits late on in the day when you’ve forgotten/been too busy to create are a fun and easy thing to do in a couple of minutes !
Love this! Perfect advice for any artist. Back in art school I had a professor say, "if you're stuck, just make a mark. Don't let the blank page intimidate you. Just make a mark - any mark." Still true today. Thank you Cecil, for reminding me.