I’ve been reading all but haven’t had time to really take it in-we got to spend time with Grandgirl- unplanned overnight stay which was fun. Always creative. I’ve enjoyed your writing on motivation and routine very much. Thanks.

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Inspiring and excellent article. Routines or rituals are an important throughout the day as long as they don't turn into ruts. Without them the day would feel weird to me and I'd even feel a bit lost. I let the dog out, feed the stray cats and my dog, coffee for me and a bite to eat to take meds, and spend way too much time on the desktop checking emails and watching a few youtubes. Shower, dressed, studio which I make myself do once I'm back from an absence in there. Sometimes I'll just sit in there and think and play with junk to get the wheels turning or I'll organize if it feels too messy in there. Eventually, when/if the spirit hits me.......I'll get into that Zone and not be aware of time or eating. I do keep a clock/watch in there but not obvious so I don't forget to feed the animals if I've been in there too long.

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