Wrapped in the Wind
Saturday, December 2, 2023
A time for building,
through forge and furnace
a heroic act of philosophical imagination
shimmering in the colors of the beginning
Wrapped in the wind and the sun.
Out at sea the dawn wind
the wind in our faces
smelling only of sea-salt and the sun.
Red into grey and tumbling down.
Every day a sunset dies
and slowly fades into [the] silence.
All time is eternally present
dignified, invisible.
Quietly, quietly,
all time is unredeemable.
The unheard music hidden
and bits of paper,
tossing in the breeze
driven on the wind that sweeps
the accumulation of the years already spent
in this twittering world.
The sea has many voices,
the music
of perpetual solitude,
reaching into the silence.
A shaft of sunlight,
the sudden illumination
and the stillness, the dancing.
the silent listening
not forgetting
death is every moment.
And a time for the wind
sleeps in the empty silence
suggested by nothing more [than the]
undiscoverable truth
in the secretive memory
Upon a sea of frost and fire.
Arranged collected lines from various places today. A number of snippets taken from FOUR QUARTETS by T.S. Eliot and Swann’s Way by Marcel Proust